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  • jannzelang

My One that Got Away

This song speaks personally to me. I could relate as I had a season in my life where I encountered this situation. Let's just say I got into a frisky relationship when I was younger, which had a bummer of an ending. To cut the long story short he was my one that got away so we didn't end up together and that took a long while to process. Many crying, questions and up to now acceptance.

My advice? Don't get into a relationship when your not ready to invest or commit. Wait till your ready to marry. God made relationships for a purpose and it's not for your hearts to be broken. Sometimes we may think we know what's best when in reality we don't. His plans are greater and have far more insight than what we know. Let God direct us in this path and you will never know, it might be greater than you imagined.

Lots of love, JA

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